Call for paper

Special issue submission deadline extended
The deadline to submit manuscripts to our special issue on Mental Health and Environmental Exposures in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The call will be open until August 30, 2018.
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Our call for papers on Geoprocessing in Public and Environmental Health is open!
This special issue is a collaboration between Mei-Po Kwan, Derek Karssenberg, Simon Scheider and the NEEDS team. Since the introduction of geographic information systems (GIS) a few decades ago, this technology has radically altered numerous scientific domains with public and environmental health standing out. The emerging opportunities to integrate and process spatial information into health…
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Special issue on mental health and environmental exposures
Open call for papers. We organizing a special issue on mental health and environmental exposures in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The call will be open until December 31, 2017. One out of five grown-ups suffered from a mental disorder within the past year, on a global scale. With a lifetime…
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